The Power of Story

I believe in the power of story. Story is what connects us, defines our past and helps paint our future. A story is meant to inspire, educate, motivate, be remembered, provide humor and most of all it’s meant to be shared.

What is the last story you read or watched that moved you, that made you inquire more or share on your social channels? More importantly, what was it about that story that made you take notice, listen or watch in full and then take action? 

There’s no shortage of data on the power of video storytelling. It’s one of the most compelling and accessible mediums to share content and connect with customers. That’s the good news. The not so good news is there’s an overload of video content you’re competing with. So how do you get people to watch your story? How do you get your story to cut through the white noise and crowded space of video?

Even though video storytelling is a powerful and impactful medium, not all videos are created equal. Simply telling a story and producing a video doesn’t mean you’re going to evoke emotion and be guaranteed success. 

So how do you harness the power of a good story? Here are 5 tips to help you:

Be Authentic - Consumers are savvier than ever and they know when they’re being manipulated. Don’t oversell, over promise or be something you’re not. You’ll never win or keep customers going that route. 

State Your Core Purpose – What is your passion? Why do you do what you do? Consumers want to know you, so don’t be afraid to be personal. 

Create A Conversation: The power of a story is not a monologue but a dialogue. Speak your story, and don’t over script it. 

Make An Emotional Connection: Emotions provoke action, they form relationships, help build trust and make your story more memorable. 

Offer Value: When it comes to telling your story quality trumps quantity. Do not force content. It’s much more valuable to share a few meaningful, strategic pieces versus insignificant content people will scroll past.

Stories are one of the most powerful tools you can use to connect and engage with your audience. A good story goes well beyond the transfer of information. A good story is the catalyst for customer loyalty and raving fans. 

When you think about the most successful individuals and companies, they have profound stories behind them that inspire a sense of a bigger purpose and meaning to what they do. They are strategic with the content they share, and they are strategic with when and where they share it. The best storytellers are the best listeners. So, pay attention to your customers and learn your audience.

What is your story? Have you told your story? I hope so, because your customers want to know it. Most importantly, don’t wait on someone else to tell your story. If you don’t tell your story, no one will. 

You’re gold baby, solid gold. 

Daniele Kimes